Hey Fellow Mom (And Chef, And Taxi Driver, And Cheerleader…)

Here’s How To Do More Of The Things You Promised Yourself You’d Do
Before Becoming a Mom

...Without Sacrificing The Happiness Of Everyone Who Counts
On You In The Process.

Mom University• San Diego• April 25-27, 2024

It doesn’t have to be a choice between Motherhood OR...
You can choose Motherhood AND.

Motherhood AND time for yourself.

Motherhood AND personal development.

Motherhood AND making your mark in the world.

Here’s How To Get Your Mom Life Together So You Can Do What You Want to Do.

Do you feel like you're drowning in expectations?

With everything you need to get done in a day...

With all your family needs from you...

And the way you thought your life would be.

The quiet moments are few and far between, but when you do slow down, you feel empty.

Of course you love your family–

But you have been pushing down your own dreams for so long you're forgetting who you are.

You know you need more.

Take care of yourself, they say.

Go after your dreams, they say.

But how can you when the demands on your time never end?

It leaves you feeling trapped between the pressure to be a good mom and the desire for something more–

Just a little something for yourself that you can feel proud of.

No More days that feel like Groundhog day:

The same dishes,
the same laundry,
the same arguments,
the same frustrations,
the same feeling of wondering what you're doing it all for…


Are you ready for motherhood AND–

Motherhood AND time for yourself

Motherhood AND personal development

Motherhood AND making your mark in the world

Some of us would even like motherhood AND a shower ; )

Here’s the secret.


I was that mom whose best moment of the day was sneaking Oreos in the pantry. 

Outside of the pantry, there were dishes in the sink and toys on the floor, and little people demanding my attention– 

All. The. Time.

Even though I started the day with the best intentions, at 5:00 when dinner was cooking on the stove and the kids were underfoot and fighting and begging for food now and making more messes, I turned into a screaming lunatic (again).

Stop that right now!

Clean that up!

Just wait already!

Be patient!

I’ve told you a hundred times not to do that!

More Oreos in the pantry, this time with a nice side dish of guilt for all the ways I’m not measuring up.

I was doing all the things for all the people.

And I felt like I was failing at all of it. 

I longed for more, but how could I add anything else when I was making a mess of the job I was supposed to be doing?

 I felt trapped in the daily grind of mom life and there wasn't room for anything else.

There wasn't room for me.

“Do I Really Have To Wait 18 Years To Finally Get Some Time For Myself?”

Like you, I want to be a good mom.

You know you only get one shot at this, and because of that it's easy to tell yourself you'll do what matters to you later.

Maybe you want to write a book.

Or run a race.

Or become an Instagram influencer.

But there are meals to make, and carpools to drive, and messes to clean.

So maybe, like I did, you convince yourself that your dreams will come later. 

That someday, you'll have time for you.

But not now.

And you try to convince yourself that putting your own needs last makes you a good mom.

But the reality is, you're losing your sense of self.

And you can't be the kind of mom you want to be if you don't even know who you are anymore.

About 8 years ago, things changed for me:

My kids still make messes. (Just this morning I found a pocketful of melted candy bar in my son’s school pants.)

There are still dishes.

There’s still laundry.

And those kids still need to be fed every night.

The difference?


I learned how to be a better parent.

I learned how to run my home better.

And I learned that when I have those skills

it doesn't have to take every moment of every day to do it right. 

I Realized It Doesn't Take Every Moment of Every Day to Do It Right

I didn’t have to fight for 20 minutes of free time each week just to get my ducks in a row.

And I didn’t have to keep trading everything that I wanted for everything that my husband and kids needed from me.

Instead, all it required was getting clear on my dreams and prioritizing time for myself.

At first, it was hard to do anything for myself, because my mind was so used to being the mom all the time that it felt unnatural.

But little by little, the changes began to show:

I learned to stay calm when everyone around me is falling apart.

I learned systems that keep my home running smoothly and staying clean enough.

I found space to start dreaming again, 

And time for myself to work on my own goals.

It's called the MOMS Method and it will work for you too.

(And I have 5 kids! So, if I can do it I know you can too!)

You don’t have to stay stuck with the way things are now.

These days, I feel like I’m finally in control, rather than being behind before the day has even begun….

Importantly, I now have the support I need to stop being a stressed out mom and actually start enjoying my own life because I besides taking really good care of my family, and these days I also have time for me.

And because I know how exhausting it can feel to be a mom, and how disheartening it can feel to have to put off your whole life for 20+ years to raise your kids…

(and also how guilty it can feel for even having those thoughts in the first place…)

I decided to create a program to help other mothers with the same issues.

That's Where Mom University Comes In

Mom University will show you how to
find room for yourself in motherhood, so you can parent calmly and teach your kids by example, run your home well, work on your own goals and finally love your mom life.

Mom University is Different

We focus on implementation. When it comes to how you should do mom life, there are tons of opinions and so much information out there. You don't need more of that! 

What you need is a focus on making changes and taking what you learn into your day. The MOMS Method will help you to take everything you learn and make a plan that's right for you to implement in your own home.

There are so many things you need to know to run a family. 

But most of us were never taught the basics of how to manage a home, keep it clean, manage our emotions, and schedule our time well. These are skills you can learn. Mom University gives you training for the jobs you're already doing so you can do them better. This is real education for your real life.

And here's the best part. When you get better at the things that are now keeping you busy and stressed all day, you free up time. 

You will be able to start that side hustle selling sourdough, or pick up your camera again and start taking pictures. You'll realize that you don't have to wait to do things for yourself, because you will have freed up the space to do motherhood AND.

Here’s what other moms who have worked with me have to say:

Exactly what I Need

I love this program... I can’t even describe how much value I’m getting out of it. In our first call I had goosebumps and tears, literally. Sometimes I have this slight arrogance because I’ve been doing coaching for over 10 years now...and since this program has started, I just feel humbled, honestly. I feel humbled to the ground. Thank you god for bringing this program into my life because this gives me exactly what I need right now. 

-Samira N.

Achieve More

Chanelle is not merely a coach, she is a motivator and a guide. She holds space for you to think for yourself. She asks you questions that you never thought to answer and that push you to achieve more than you thought possible. If you are looking for someone that will help you to discover what you need to know and then how to put that newfound knowledge into action, look no further, you are in the right place!

-Ranya Williams

Focused and Purposeful

I feel that I’ve become more focused and purposeful in my day to day routine. It has helped calm my anxiety, and clear the stressful mental clutter that comes with being a mom. [I’ve gained] clarity on what is important in… life. Whether it be family, business, or balancing both! Small and simple principles taught will help you learn how to set manageable goals, then develop habits for success.

Ginny B.

Join Us for Mom University

Mom University takes place in April in San Diego. It’s training for the things that you actually face every day. You will create more time so you can do what matters to you. You'll be given real life tools that you can put in place right away to see immediate shifts in your home and family. 

Tools Like:

Getting more intentional in your life. Remembering your dreams and start to take steps to achieve them–even when you have kids
Knowing how to reinforce positive behavior in your kids so that positive behavior happens more often
Building on your child’s strengths so that they feel more loved and more motivated to make good choices
How to create habits to keep your home clean, get dinner on the table, and get everyone where they need to be–without running yourself ragged
Finding time for yourself in motherhood and learning how to stop putting yourself last
Managing your own emotions and getting very clear on the kind of mom you want to be
Getting more intentional in your parenting. Stepping into a leadership role where you direct what goes on instead of trying to rein in the chaos.

You'll receive support and
build a community with other moms
who are ready to do more in mom life.

© Copyright Mom University, LLC | All Rights Reserved

Here’s what other moms who have worked with me have to say:

More Mindful

I've become more mindful of what I'm doing daily and weekly and monthly. I've always been a daily kind of person with a to-do list. I just had that to do list, but [before] What was what on my to-do list wasn't moving me towards my goals and now I have a plan moving me towards my future goals.

-Natalie M.

Manage Time

I know now that I have all I need to do the things I want to do. Now I can manage my time better and ask for support more freely. “I have all the time I need” is something I get now. Thanks for that one!!! I am so grateful for all the lessons and tools I needed.

-Ashley L.


I feel empowered to be the best version of myself. I've been able to dedicate additional time to my business without feeling overwhelmed or guilty. I still have times where I feel stressed but I know I can get back on track and I have the tools to do it. I am more intentional about all areas of my life. I believe in myself and in my dreams and my ability to achieve them.

-Angela M

The Schedule

Day 1: April 25
Day 2: April 26
Day 3: April 27

Day 1: Thursday, April 25

All events will take place in the Gaslamp District in San Diego


Meetup with Your Village

Gather together in small groups with moms who have similar interests to connect before the event. 


Dinner and Registration

Enjoy a Mexican Fiesta dinner outdoors. Event registration, opportunities to shop and explore sponsored booths.


Welcome to Mom University

Welcome: Chanelle Neilson, creator of Mom University
How to Implement What You Learn Using the MOMS Method


Yoga and Interview

Sarah Beth Yoga
Breath work and Yoga
How to Do Motherhood AND.
Learn how Sarah Beth is raising 2 young kids, has built a YouTube channel with over 1.6 million subscribers, and is creating the life she dreamed of.

Day 2: Friday, April 26

All events will take place in the Gaslamp district in San Diego



Get breakfast and prepare for a day of learning and fun.


Class Sessions

Positive Parenting with Ralphie Jacobs of Simply on Purpose

Ralphie will teach mom 4 parenting principles that will foundationally change your home. Based on behavioral science, she'll give moms strategies that not only work to improve behavior long term but build lifelong loving relationships that thrive.



Lunch Break

Have lunch and socialize while enjoying the sunshine and the views of downtown San Diego.


Class Sessions

Running a Home Efficiently with Becky Rapinchuk of Clean Mama

Becky will bring her experience and expertise to help you work through your current challenges and struggles when it comes to cleaning and decluttering your home. You'll leave feeling empowered and you'll have a simplified plan for keeping your home clean and tidy.


Class Sessions

Setting Goals that Make a Difference, and How to Achieve them During Busy Mothering Seasons with Tiffany Crumbs

Tiffany Crumbs will share simple strategies to creating goals that make an impact in the season of life you're currently in, how to break them down into manageable pieces that won't overwhelm you, and help you reclaim pockets of lost time in order to achieve your goals without sacrificing what matters most.

Day 3: Saturday, April 27th

All events will take place in the Gaslamp district in San Diego



Enjoy a leisurely brunch in the event center.


Expert Mom Panel

Our expert mom panel will answer your most challenging questions about mom life.
Our panel includes:
Andrea Morton
Certified Life Coach


Expert Mom Panel

Our expert mom panel will answer your most challenging questions about mom life.
Our panel includes:
Danielle Thienel
Certified Life Coach


Expert Mom Panel

Our expert mom panel will answer your most challenging questions about mom life.
Our panel includes:
Kendra Swalls
Photographer and Entrepreneur


Expert Mom Panel

Our expert mom panel will answer your most challenging questions about mom life.
Our panel includes:
Crystal Haitisma
Parenting Coach
Instagram @the.parenting.coach


Expert Mom Panel

Our expert mom panel will answer your most challenging questions about mom life.
Our panel includes:
Chantel Matthews
Certified Coach & Trainer
Instagram @mschantelmatthews


Concluding Remarks

Giveaways, awards and concluding remarks.


Kamden Hainsworth

Terena Gardner

Thank you to our sponsors!

Here’s What’s Included in Mom University

The Event

👉Ready for a REAL Mommy Makeover?

This event is going to makeover your home and family, by changing you.

You won't come back with a flatter belly, but you will come back with a new outlook.

You will come back, ready to step into your role as a leader in your home.

You will be stronger, more intentional, more joyful, and live mom life on purpose.

You'll learn...

👉Parenting 101 and 102: Intentional Parenting

👩‍👧‍👦At last! Find out what thousands of other successful parents know about raising kids that listen. When your kids listen, you won't spend your day in nagging and frustration, and you will feel more at peace in your home.

🤱Revealed: Why yelling at your kids will NEVER give you the results you want – and what you need to do instead! When you're more joyful, you can show up better for your kids–and yourself.

🛍️Why extravagant birthday parties and over the top gifts will never get you the connection you crave with your kids – and how simplifying will give you more time for you while still creating happy memories with your family.

👉Home 101 and 102: Routines for a Smooth Home Life

🍝Here’s how experienced moms do meal planning and still manage to get dinner on the table during soccer season. When you have this figured out, your evenings will be a lot less stressful–allowing you time to work on your side hustle.

🍽️You’ll find out 2 surprisingly easy ways to avoid mountains of dishes in the sink. And when you don't have hours of chores, guess what? You free up time for some much needed self care.

🧽You’ll find out how to keep your house clean enough without spending hours a day scrubbing and cleaning. Imagine ending the day with a clean home, a happy family AND energy to spare!

👉Personal Development 101 and 102: Time Management for Moms

📓You’ll tap into your dreams again and figure out a plan for how to take small steps to get there. We'll plan for the inevitable interruptions that happen in mom life, so you won't feel frustrated and can still make consistent progress.

💭You’ll find out how to improve your busy day just by becoming aware of your thoughts – ANYONE can do this! This immediate shift will show you how to make the most of small moments of time to be able to make progress on your goals every single day.

🙌You’ll discover how to master the art of creating habits of self care to get replenished in as little as 5 minutes.

🎉And did I mention...?

🔆Get together in person and have a reason to wear something besides yoga pants and a messy bun so you can remember what it feels like to have an identity outside of being someone’s mom.

👭Build real life friendships and connect in a deeper way than we ever get to on social media. Real and deep conversations instead of curated photos. Late night chats about what mom life is really like. Time to talk without being interrupted by a crying baby or a call from the school.

🌮Eat delicious catered meals that you didn’t have to prepare (and no one is going to complain about and ask for goldfish crackers 30 minutes later either).

💁‍♀️Learn from your favorite influencers in real life and have the opportunity to connect with them and ask questions. How do they do it all? What are their secrets? Form real relationships instead of just seeing them from a screen.

🤗Meet other moms who are going through the same things you’re going through.The conversations you’ll have this weekend won’t be about the weather and your kids soccer game. These real conversations will lead to deep and lasting connections with moms who want to create the kind of life you want too.

🏝️Get away from the day to day in beautiful San Diego. A mom vacation that brings you back to your family better than when you left? Yes please!

This Method Works Even If
You Feel Like you’re Drowning in the Demands of Motherhood…

Deep down you know time is running out.

You have to change the way things are going in your family NOW in order to help your kids...

And yourself.

Because the thing is, there are no do-overs, where you get to go back and do it right…

The time is passing quickly and you only have so many years with them still living in your home.

You need to figure out NOW how to build relationships with your kids that will last, so that they’ll want to be a part of your life even when they grow up and move out.

You need to figure out NOW how to keep juggling all the responsibilities while somehow creating happy childhood memories for your kids.

You need to figure out NOW how to do it and not lose yourself in the process.

But, despite your best efforts, it seems like you don’t have enough time, enough energy, or enough patience to change the way things are going.

Mom University is Literally Going To
Change the Way you Mom.

You know you’re stuck doing the same things over and over again and you know it’s not working.

You are going to be the change you want to see in your family: 

You are going to stop running around exhausted trying to do it all. 

You are going to stop reaching for the chocolate just to make it through the day.

You are going to stop putting yourself last and feeling like the demands on your time never end.

You are going to start keeping your house running efficiently; staying up on the chores with simple daily habits so you make more time and space for yourself.

Instead of micromanaging everything your kids are doing, you're going to start creating systems that will give you more time and space in your days for your own goals and dreams.

You're going to start to implement real, tested ways to take care of yourself and be a better mom than you've ever been.

That’s why I’m so excited to be sharing Mom University with you today!

Act Now for These Limited Time Offers

Payment Option

Use our easy payment plan and make 3 payments of $180 each month! (or $500 if Paid in Full)

Simplify Toolbox (Valued at $447) Free!

Get the tools you need to make all the “must do’s” in your life just a little bit simpler with this digital course.

Mom U Promise

Mom University is more than just a weekend retreat:
it's a tool to change the trajectory of your life.
Mom U will help you be a mom "and."  And that will change your entire family.

Register for Mom University Now

Become the mom you want to be
Learn from your favorite experts how to be a better parent, run your home more efficiently and find time for you in motherhood
Learn to do motherhood AND
Get a break so that you can come back to mom life refreshed!
The MOMS method will help you implement what you learn and take it back to create real change in your home.

San Diego Gaslamp Quarter

April 25th-27th, 2024

Spaces are limited– So Grab Your Spot to Avoid Missing Out!

Can’t wait to see you there,


This Sounds Too Good To Be True;
What's the Catch?

Before you register thinking Mom U will solve all your motherhood challenges once and for all, let me lay out some of the things that might keep you stuck right where you are.

#1- You don't believe you're worth investing in.

It's easy to invest in our kids. We'll pay the money for soccer camp or flute lessons. But on ourselves? It always seems like we can wait. And while we wait, we stay stuck. All because we don't believe that we are really worth it.
The truth is, yes, Mom University will help YOU (and that alone is worth the cost!) but it's also an investment in your family. 

#2- You think you can figure this out without help.

Sometimes it's so much easier to see what needs to change when we get a little perspective, isn't it? Mom University will let you take a break from working IN your family to be able to work ON your family. We're talking the big picture stuff that can only happen when you step away to see what's really going on.
But stepping away is hard. There are carpools to arrange, meals to prep, help to call. And yet? Who you are when you walk into this weekend won't be the same as who you are walking out of it. You will have tools, resources and relationships that will help you do motherhood so much better.

#3-What's the point? This won't change your kids. It won't change your husband.

If you think that you are going to learn how to control the people in your household and finally get them to stop leaving their socks on the floor, this might not be for you. This weekend will focus on the one person we can change: ourselves. 
We might go back home to dishes in the sink and piles of laundry. But we will go back as better versions of ourselves.

P.S. Things you need to tell your husband:

1. Mom University is April 25th-27th in San Diego, CA. "It’s only 3 days, babe. I know the kids will love to have alone time with Dad."

2. "You know how I support you when you go on business trips for work? This is my job, and I am ready to get some training so I can do it right."

3. "If I register now, there’s a payment plan of only $180 a month for 3 months. So worth it!"

4. "I know you’ll miss me, but I am going to come back as a better mom, with skills and tools that I didn’t have before."

5. "Please support me in this! Mama needs a break! Besides, I know this is what I need to do to be the mom I’m meant to be."

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About Me

Chanelle Neilson is the creator of Mom University and a life coach who helps moms find time for themselves by creating habits of daily self care–without leaving their families behind. As a mom of 5 kids, Chanelle knows that motherhood has its challenges—that’s why she is passionate about helping moms simplify so they can prioritize what matters and define success for themselves. She is the former host and creator of the popular Moms Who Know Podcast and the author of Parents Who Know, and currently hosts the Moms University Podcast.

© Copyright Mom University, LLC | All Rights Reserved

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